Online slots responsible for most online gambling harm
According to the British Gambling Help & Gambling Addiction charity GambleAware online slots are the most likely to cause gambling harm. Over one third of all contacts it had with its support services where related to online slot abuse.
National Gambling Treatment Service
The annual statistics of the National Gaming Treatment Service (NGTS) of GambleAware showed a total of 6,645 people contacted the support service. These contacts all took place during the 12 months between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
Of all contacts 5,621 people, which equals 85%, access treatment from the NGTS. The other 15% of contacts where people contacting the NGTS for other people.
Online slots biggest driver of gambling harm
Although the reputation of slots is basically being harmless fun it actually accounted for the most contact of the NGTS. Over 37,9% of alle people who accessed treatment where online gamblers playing slots. Online sports betting accounted for 15,6% of all treatment requests. The full list includes:
- Online slots; 37,9%
- Online sports betting; 15,6%
- Fixed-odds gaming machines; 12,8%
- Sports betting & gaming machines; 10,1%
As you can see the share of online slots is quite significant.
Of all treatment requests 67,2% was related to some form of online gambling. Bookmaker-related cases accounted for 36%. Casino related issues accounted for 8,9% and adult entertainment centres accounted for 5,4%. Problems regarding gambling in pubs, bingo halls, family entertainment centres and private members clubs where not very significant and from low impact.
Most problems between 25- and 35-year-olds
The biggest share of people that contacted GambleAware and the NGTS where relatively young people. Around 75% of all people where under the age of 75. The most people where aged in the age band 25 till 29 and 30 till 34. These age bands accounted for 38% of all clients.
The clients of GambleAware and the NGTS were mainly male. 69% of all clients identify as a male. Of all clients 90% has a white ethnic background. The others are Asian or Asian British (6%), Black or Black British (3%), or from mixed race (2%).
Client from GambleAware or the NGTS where mainly working, with a 72% employment rate. The other 28% where retired, unemployed, or facing long-term disabilities or illnesses which causes unemployment.
GambleAware treatment very successful
GambleAware is very enthusiastic about the results of their treatment services. In the last period 64% of all participants finished their courses. Of all these participants 88% of clients report an improvement in their gambling behaviour.
Around 28% of clients did not finish their treatment. This is a bit lower than the 30% in the previous reporting period.
All Annual Statistics from the National Gambling Treatment Service (Great Britain) can be found in this report.