{"id":1823,"date":"2020-09-01T13:57:05","date_gmt":"2020-09-01T12:57:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/bestbettingcasinos.com\/ce\/gambling\/how-to-avoid-gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling\/"},"modified":"2025-02-10T12:30:22","modified_gmt":"2025-02-10T12:30:22","slug":"how-to-avoid-gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bestbettingcasinos.com\/ce\/gambling\/how-to-avoid-gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling\/","title":{"rendered":"How to avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling"},"content":{"rendered":"
Gambling is fun and we want it to stay fun. I think everybody gambles in some way. Place a bet on a sports event, play a game of roulette, cards or play a game for money with friends. This is all gambling. Sometimes gambling goes from a fun thing to an obsession. When it becomes an obsession it is changing in to an unhealthy thing with serious consequences. Gambling can lead to a lot of disasters. You can lose friends, family or your relationship. It can also affect your results at work. And in most cases problem gambling causes financial problems. You can get in debts and you can end up stealing money for gambling. When you are addicted it feels like nobody can stop you. But there are a lot of things you can do to avoid and overcome a gambling addiction. On this page I am going to tell you all about How to avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling.<\/p>\n
I am going to tell you how you can avoid an addiction while you are playing at online casinos. And how you can overcome problem gambling when you are already sucked in to online gambling. Our tips can help you get back your friends and repair your relationships. And you can get control over your financial situation again.<\/p>\n
You are addicted when you can’t control your impulse to do certain things. In the case of gambling that means you can’t control the impulse to gamble. An addiction is also known as:<\/p>\n
You keep on gambling even when this has negative effect on the people around you or on your financial situation. the impulse to gamble is bigger than the reality. When you can’t afford to lose you still want to gamble. These are all indications that you have a gambling addiction. An addiction is the last phase of problem gambling. It is possible that you are a problem gambler but still in control. People who have a lot of money think they are in control because they have the financial situation to back up losses. You are a problem gambler when gambling disrupts your normal life. When you are spending more and more money and time on gambling and when you try to chase previous losses you could have a gambling problem.<\/p>\n
You can identify problem gambling or a gambling addiction in different ways. One of them are mood disorders and changes in behavior. Problem gamblers and addicted players often have stress, signs of ADHD, depressions, abuse issues and aggressive behavior. It is very important to identify these problems before you get addicted. When you are already addicted it is very important to identify these issues and try to overcome them with the help of people around you.<\/p>\n
When you want to know how to avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling it is important to know the signs and symptoms. Gambling addiction is one of the worst addictions around because it is called a hidden illness. It is not a typical addiction because there are no obvious symptoms and physical signs. When you are addicted to alcohol or drugs people around you notice your physical signs and symptoms. With a gambling problem it is much harder to identify the real problem. Most problem gamblers are very good a lying. They minimize the problem to people around them and to themselves.<\/p>\n
There are a few signs and symptoms that identify problem gambling or an addiction. You or somebody around you may have a problem with gambling when:<\/p>\n
Can you walk away from gambling after you started? Do you always want to win back your losses? Can’t you leave a casino with money in your wallet or pocket? In this cases you are not able to control your gambling needs. And you could be a problem gambler or even addicted to gambling.<\/p>\n
It sounds strange but you can gamble with money you don’t have. Problem gamblers spent their last euros or dollars and then use money they don’t have. They use money they normally need for their children, bills, mortgage or other daily life stuff. It is possible that people feel the need to borrow money or even steel money for gambling.<\/p>\n
Gambling is a thing that not everybody understands. You can get sucked up in the excitement of online gambling while others have no idea what you are doing. This makes it very easy to lie about your gambling behaviour. Only tell people you play a few times a week And only tell them the success stories. Lie about the amount of money and the gambling frequently is an important sign you are a problem gambler.<\/p>\n
Denial is one of the most critical things. And it keeps problem gambling going. When family or friends identify a problem according to your gambling they will probably confront you with it. It is important to listen to them because they are the ones that can help you. It is never to late to listen to people around you and it is not a sign of weakness to accept help from friends and family.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are organisations like BeGambleAware who exactly know how to avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling. You can contact them with a live chat function on their website. Organisations like this are available to help everybody with responsible gambling and with gambling problems. Don’t hesitate to contact them when you think you are or could be a problem gambler. It is better to avoid a gambling addiction then to overcome an addiction.<\/p>\n Online Casinos<\/a> are very popular at the moment because you can gamble at any moment and at any place. You only need a computer, tablet or mobile device with an internet connection and you are able to play online casino games<\/a>. For people around you it is very hard to notice that you are gambling. It is easier to identify a gambling problem when you visit a land-based casino or when you bet on sports at a bookmaker<\/a> or betting shop. People around you cannot see that you are playing casino games because you can play at home or when you are at work. You can even open an online casino while you are travelling or while you are sitting outside.<\/p>\n Canadian online casinos have a lot of tools that can help you avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling.<\/p>\n Myth<\/strong>: When you have a gambling problem you are unintelligent and weak Myth<\/strong>: You must help gamblers who have build up debts Myth<\/strong>: A partner or friend of a problem gamble drives this person to gamble Myth<\/strong>: Addicted players and problem gamblers gamble every day There are a lot of reasons why people start gambling. And every player has his own reasons. To avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling it is important to identify these reasons. And when you identified the reasons you have to find alternatives and substitutes for these reasons. When you have alternatives you can stay away from gambling and from future problems. Underneath you find the most important reasons why people start gambling. And we also added a few alternatives for you.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Gambling is a choice. And there are a few elements you need to gamble. When you want to avoid gambling you must make a few choices. Making good choices can help you avoid gambling addiction and problem gambling. Let me show you a few of the elements you need when you want to gamble. Replace these elements for better choices and you make a perfect step.<\/p>\n You need to have money to gamble. Don’t carry a lot of cash in your wallet or pocket when you leave your house. Ask family to control your bank accounts. And don’t open bank accounts with credit cards. Don’t open a bank account with the possibility to have a negative balance.<\/p>\n Gambling is a decision. Before you can gamble you must make the decision to do it. When you think about gambling stop doing what you are doing and call a friend or family. Tell your friend that you want to gamble and that you need him or her to do something else. Friends and Family can help you think of other things.<\/p>\n You need time to gamble. When you schedule recreational things that have nothing to do with gambling you can limit the time you have for gambling. The more time you spend doing other things the less time you have for gambling. Find things to do at quiet moments.<\/p>\n Ask betting shops and bookmakers to restrict you from entering their shops. And exclude yourself from online casinos with the self-exclusion tool at the casinos. Block gambling content, websites and apps on your mobile phone and computer.<\/p>\n It is very normal that people like to gamble. It is fun to bet on sports events you are watching. And online casino games are very exciting. When you make healthy and good choices and when you let people know you are a problem gambler it will get easier to stay away. I am going to show you a few ways to deal with an addiction and problem gambling.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are a lot of treatments for addictions. But it all starts with yourself. You must admit that you have a problem. When you are aware of the problems you can start solving the problems.<\/p>\n BeGambleAware<\/a> – All information you need to know about responsible gaming<\/p>\n Gam Stop Online<\/a> – Self exclude yourself at Canadian online casinos<\/p>\n Gam Care<\/a> – Please contact Gam Care when problem gambling is affecting you<\/p>\n<\/a>
How to avoid gambling addiction at an online casino<\/h2>\n
A few facts and Myths about problem gambling and gambling addiction<\/h2>\n
\nFact<\/strong>: Smart and highly educated people have the same chances of getting addicted as low educated people. There are people with gambling problems in every level of intelligence.<\/p>\n
\nFact<\/strong>: It is smart to help gamblers with debts. But in most cases it is not smart to help them solve the financial problems. Paying their debts is a quick fix solution but not the best solution for the long term. When a problem gambler is out of debts he can start making new debts. You can better help the player with solving his gambling problem. And let him solve his finance debts him self. Support him with this<\/p>\n
\nFact<\/strong>: A problem gambler doesn’t take responsibility for his or her actions. Blaming a friend or partner is one of the ways to avoid responsibility<\/p>\n
\nFact<\/strong>: Gambling is not a problem when a player plays every day. It becomes a problem when it starts causing problems We know players that only play ones a month. But when they play they play big. And these players cause a lot problems for people around them. They lie, get in to financial problems and they get abusive.<\/p>\nReasons why gambling could lead to addicting and alternatives for gambling<\/h2>\n
Good choices can help you avoid gambling<\/h2>\n
The decision<\/strong><\/h4>\n
Ways to deal with problem gambling<\/h2>\n
Resources and important pages<\/h3>\n